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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Nguyen

Breaking free from "maybes"

In the whirl of quiet thoughts and loud feelings,

I've spent too many moments, too many evenings,

Pondering, dwelling, on emotions so deep,

For someone whose attention I struggle to keep.

I've shown all my cards, laid bare my heart,

Hoping for a connection, a genuine start.

But signs, it seems, fall on eyes that won't see,

Leaving me adrift in a sea of 'maybe'.

Caught in the loop of a 'situationship',

A term too casual for my sinking ship.

I've given my all, yet it feels in vain,

To love someone who might not feel the same.

So here I stand, at a crossroads, alone,

Deciding it's time for my heart to die

This feeling, this longing, that's causing so much pain,

To gather my pieces and start again.

It's not easy, this choice to detach and move on,

To accept that perhaps they're already gone.

But in this decision, there's strength to be found,

In letting go, I'm no longer bound.

I'll cherish the moments, the laughter, the tears,

But I won't let them define my upcoming years.

It's time to move forward, to set my heart free,

To open to love that's meant to be.

This journey of letting go, of setting sights anew,

Is not just about them, but about valuing you.

So take this step, brave and bold,

Towards a future that's yet to unfold.

In the end, what matters most is this:

Finding self-love, peace, and bliss.

So wave goodbye to the 'what ifs' and 'might have beens',

And embrace the journey that lies within.

Sleepless nights


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